when we say prayer works, we mean it.

Wherever you are, whenever you have a need,
prayer is available at Heart & Soul

Prayer is the creative process at work and supports healing and creates greater harmony in our lives and in the world around us.

Prayer also opens us up to infinite possibilities. What begins as an idea or desire, gets spoken into the Universe, and through the intention expressed creates a vibrational frequency that reveals the Truth.

When members, congregants, and families are in need of prayer, we are here. We pray during times of celebration, transition, challenge and change. We pray without ceasing for our local and global communities. In times of peace and in times of conflict, we pray for Divine Guidance, Wisdom, and Love. We are here to pray for and with you and support you in your life’s unfolding and affirm the highest and best possibility.

Through our Prayer & Care Village, we utilize an affirmative scientific method of prayer known as Spiritual Mind Treatment (SMT). Through a five step SMT process, we speak with power, live in love, and demonstrate with conviction. We speak words of knowing they have no choice but to shift the consciousness of both the person praying and the person requesting prayer. We rightfully expect physical healing, change in challenging conditions, and greater well-being in every area of our lives.

Prayer is facilitated by our dedicated Prayer & Care Village of ministers, Licensed Practitioners and laity and there are many easy ways to receive prayer here at Heart & Soul.

Sankofa | Ubuntu | Sawubona

Sankofa. The translation of this African proverb in English language expresses “it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot”. Sankofa teaches us the importance of learning from the past to build the future.

Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning humanity to others. It is often described as reminding us that I am what I am because of who we all are.

Sawubona. Sawubona is a Zulu greeting that means I see you.” Sawubona also means you are important to me and I value you.” It is a way to make the other person visible and to accept them as they are.

Heart & Soul Center of Light… It’s the way we pray.

Ways We Pray at Heart & Soul Center of Light

Laser Prayer Request

Laser Prayer is a short prayer that typically lasts a few minutes.

  • You may request Immediate in-person laser prayer by letting a member of our Prayer & Care Village know that you need prayer in the moment.
  • You can receive laser prayer ten minutes after Sunday Celebration. Prayer facilitators are available in-person and on a Zoom call for those participating remotely. Go here to join Zoom. To join by phone: +1 669 900 6833 | Meeting ID:  988 2646 4337 | Passcode: 036890
  • You can request a laser prayer by phone, calling 510-607-7747. A prayer facilitator will respond within 24-48 hours. Please provide clarity about the purpose of the prayer.
  • You may request laser prayer by completing this Online Prayer Request Form. A prayer facilitator will respond within 24-48 hours.
  • You can request laser prayer by completing the Prayer Request Form located near the Prayer Box in the lobby of our church. Complete the form and drop it into the Prayer Box and a prayer facilitator will respond within 24-48 hours.

Group Prayer

Group prayer is offered every Wednesday morning at 7:00 am Pacific on Zoom. Our members and congregants are invited to join prayer facilitators for a collective prayer experience. Go here to join Zoom. To join by phone: +1 669 900 6833 | Meeting ID:  988 2646 4337 | Passcode: 036890

Prayer Podcasts

Prayer podcasts provide prayers for every life experience and condition and can be found on YouTube and Spotify.

walking meditation

Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Sessions

Roeber' Williams RScPYou may choose to have one or more in-depth prayer sessions with a Heart & Soul Licensed Spiritual Practitioner. Once selected, your practitioner will welcome you and offer a prayer in support of the session. You will then have a dialogue where you can safely discuss whatever is on your heart. There is no judgment and the practitioner will hold you in highest consciousness. They may also suggest spiritual tools to assist you in clearing the path for whatever transformation you are seeking. Your session(s) will close with a Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer) to set the desired healing in motion.

Practitioner Sessions last between 60-90 minutes. A fee will be established at the time an appointment is made. This fee is not for prayer, but for the practitioner’s time, training, skill, and professional knowledge of spiritual principles and practices that can enhance one’s life. Fees vary and we encourage you to not consider this as a deterrent to receiving service.

As Licensed Spiritual Practitioners, if during a private session they sense that someone is in danger, they must report it.

You can learn more about our Licensed Spiritual Practitioners and reach out by email for more information or to schedule time with them.

Spiritual Mind Treatment

Spiritual Mind Treatment is a five-step process of affirmative and scientific prayer. It is the process that realigns our thoughts to remove doubt and fear and receive the Truth of the ever-presence of God or Spirit that is never separate from us. We treat to make a positive change and to stay in Oneness with God.

  1. Recognition (God Is)

    Recognize God as the ultimate, limitless Presence and Power in the universe. God is all there is.

  2. Unification (I Am)

    After recognizing God as the ultimate Presence and Power in and through everything, you now accept that you and God are one. You know God acts through you, as you, in you, and in all life. I am one with God now.

  3. Declaration/Realization (I Accept; I Affirm)

    Already knowing that you are part of God, you realize without doubt or reservation that the good you desire to experience is now taking form through God’s Power. I know my desire is complete and I accept.

  4. Thanksgiving/Acceptance (I Give Thanks)

    Having clearly stated and affirmed what you want to experience, you thankfully accept that the good you desire is yours right now. I accept and give thanks for this good right here and now.

  5. Release (I Let Go and Let God)

    After thankfully accepting your good as already accomplished, you release your prayer to the activity of the Universal Law of Mind, completely freeing yourself of concern. I let go and let God. I release this truth in total belief that it is done.

At the end of every Spiritual Mind Treatment, we say the words “And so it is.” These words let us release our treatment out of our hands with total conviction that we BELIEVE and KNOW that what we desire is already done through the Power of God.

Prayer Request