We teach Science of Mind
Founded by Dr. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind (SOM) is part of the New Thought spiritual tradition of a positive and practical spirituality. Science of Mind is drawn from the revelations of both western and eastern religion, the opinions of philosophy, the laws of science, and the practices of psychology as applied to human needs and the aspirations of humanity.
SOM is a compilation of the great thoughts of the ages and the deep mystical yearnings of minds in search for God. Our philosophy is a modern approach to a faith which can be demonstrated. In its practice and teachings, SOM endeavors to include the whole life and activate a way of life focused on joy, freedom from fear, and justified by results.
The philosophy of SOM offers you what you have been looking for – a faith whereby fear and superstition have been removed and universal spiritual principles are presented in plain, simple, and direct ways so that you may learn to live now, in the present, with the knowledge and trust that the Universe is for you and not against you. And as it is for you, it is for all of us.
In its practice and teachings, SOM endeavors to include the whole life and activate a way of life focused on joy, freedom from fear, and justified by results.
SOM endeavors to include the whole of life and activate a way of life focused on joy.
What we Believe
We believe in God as the One indestructible absolute and self-existent cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God, it is the logical and necessary outcome of God’s nature. Heaven is within us and that we experience it as we become conscious of it.
We believe in the unity of all life and that the universal spirit, God, operates through a universal mind, the law of God. We are surrounded by this creative mind which receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it. Truth is revealed through our intuitive and spiritual nature and anyone may become a revealer of truth.
We believe in the incarnation of the spirit in all people—in the goodness, loving-kindness and givingness of life to all. The ultimate goal of our life is the complete emancipation from all discord of every nature and we know this goal is sure to be attained by every person.
We believe in our own soul, our own spirit and our own destiny; for we understand that the life of each one is god. The eternality, immortality and continuity of each individual soul is forever and ever expanding. The healing of the sick and the control of conditions is through the power of our mind.
As written by CSL Founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes in 1927
And as it is for you, it is for all of us.
Our Teaching Symbol
Designed by our founder, Ernest Holmes, our teaching symbol symbolizes the creative process of both Universal and individual Life. The Circle represents Infinite Spirit or the ONE and contains three sections representing three aspects of the Divine Reality.
The top section represents Spirit, the absolute nature of the Divine, the impulsion of Love and the desire to Create. This is the seed of thought, belief or intention.
The center section represents the Law of Cause and Effect (Soul), meaning the orderly process through which the Will of God (the impulsion of Love) becomes manifested or created. This is the soil into which the seed is planted.
The lower section is Body, meaning the physical, created universe which is understood to be the actual manifestation (incarnation) of Spirit in Form. This is the growing plant which is the result of the seed being planted.
The “V” symbolizes the creative process itself, reminding us that any impulsion or cause, be it a thought, intention or belief, moves through Law and becomes part of the physical. For every form, experience or effect there is a cause whether consciously planted or not.

The Teaching Symbol represents the Universal Creative Process.
Our Principles
Science of Mind principles are foundational to living a life aligned with Universal Law. When you understand these principles and make them part of your everyday life in practice, you open your life up to the highest possibilities.
Principle One — Oneness. There is One Infinite Reality, which we call by many names, that is undivided, complete and whole within Itself.
Principle Two — Love. Love is the self-givingness of Spirit and its desire is to express Itself through and as creation.
Principle Three — Creation. The physical universe is the manifest body of The One Ultimate Reality, is inherently a blessing, and is ever-evolving toward greater Good.
Principle Four — Threefold Nature. The One Ultimate Reality expresses Itself in three aspects—Spirit, Law (Soul) and Body— and each of us is made in the image and likeness of the One Ultimate Reality and has these same three aspects.
Principle Five — Creative Process. The One Ultimate Reality operates through the Universal Law of Cause and Effect and is impersonal, consistent and intelligent. You, having the same threefold nature use the Creative Process to shape reality.
Principle Six — Spiritual Laws. There are various expressions and uses of Universal Law such as the law of correspondence, the law of attraction and the law of giving and receiving. These spiritual laws are always operating and you can learn to consciously use them to create or change conditions.
Principle Seven — Spiritual Beings. The Ultimate Reality is both transcendent and immanent. You are a spiritual being living in a spiritual universe, having a human experience and expressing through growth and becoming.
Principle Eight — Freedom. The Divine Plan is one of Freedom and is the birthright of every individual. We are free to choose and create our lives through conscious communion with Ultimate Reality that aligns our choices and releases us from the bondage of limitation.
Principle Nine — Heaven on Earth. Heaven is the state of awareness of our True Nature and we seek to actively express Heaven on Earth by including and celebrating every individual.
Principle Ten — Eternal Life. The One Ultimate Reality is infinite and eternal evolving.
Our Practices
Spiritual practices are the tools in your toolbox. When you are working on a specific area of your life, there are a variety of practices that can be supportive to attain your goals. You may choose affirmative prayer when something urgent arises or decide to vision if you are starting down a new path in life. You may choose to practice meditation every once in a while to quiet the mind and connect with the Universe or decide to meditate and pray each morning or evening as part of an ongoing daily practice. These practices are here to support as you grow and expand your spiritual journey.
Affirmative Prayer/Spiritual Mind Treatment
A form of affirmative prayer, Spiritual Mind Treatment is the single most important Science of Mind practice. It recognizes Universal Spirit as the center of everything, and is the realization that Law is creatively set in motion through conscious thought that results in change.
Spiritual Mind Treatment is:
- the act of being the conscious activity of thought.
- an art in that there must be conviction, appreciation, and realization.\
- a science in that it produces verifiable results through the application of impersonal, consistent spiritual law.
Meditation is the practice that opens us to inner awareness and transcends all theologies allowing us to directly experience Universal Spirit.
Visioning is the practice of revealing the spiritual reality of any situation as you seek inner guidance.
An affirmation is a simple, positive statement in the present tense which leads the mind to accept what it intends to believe.
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment, objectively observing the behavior, attitudes and beliefs of ourselves and others.
Giving and Receiving
Giving and Receiving is the practice of conscious participation in the circulation of universal good in all of its forms.
Gratitude is the practice of the realization that all Good has already been provided through a causative energy which generates the ever present abundance of the universe into form.
Forgiveness is the active practice of compassion and the process of releasing perceived hurts, judgments or grievances which allows us to see the Presence of Spirit in everyone.
Sacred Service
Sacred Service is the ongoing spiritual practice of sharing our gifts and talents, by actively participating from our hearts in the greater community and in the emergence of the Global Vision in our world.
Sacred Study
Sacred Study is the practice of expanding our knowledge and understanding of the Nature of Reality, who WE are, and how to use the Science of Mind Principles. Sacred Study deepens our awareness of spiritual truths and provides the framework for spiritual practice as you gain wisdom and a deep appreciation for the wisdom of all those who walked a spiritual path throughout the ages.
Spiritual practices are the tools in your toolbox.
Sacred Service
Sacred Service is the ongoing spiritual practice of sharing our gifts and talents by actively participating from our hearts at Heart & Soul, in the greater community and in the emergence of the Global Vision in our world.
There are many ways in which you can become a part of our service community. Learn more about Sacred Service opportunities and about our Music Collective.