Imagining Justice 2/5
February 5 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
IJ Community Conversation on Freedom from Discord
We’re creating space for discourse about sacred activism in a new way. If you’re interested a community conversation about what’s needed to create a world that works for everyone, join us for our first monthly discussion about Freedom From Discord. Freedom From Discord was written by Rev. David Alexander and explores the transformative power of New Thought principles and Liberation Theology. Let’s discuss this pathway to social transformation in community. Program begins at 6:30 pm PT. This is a virtual event! Free of charge; love offering encouraged. IJ is facilitated by Damali Robertson, RScP and Suzzette Celeste, RScP, with the IJ Advisory Council.
February 5 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
To see upcoming Heart & Soul events, visit our monthly calendar.